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Development and production of liquid flow meters


NEW Cost-Effective Electromagnetic Flowmeters of the FLONET FN30xx Series

FLONET FN30xx series covers both compact  (FN3014) and separate (FN3015) desing of electromagnetic flowmeters for  measurement of flow rates of electrically conductive liquids





high accuracy

class 2 acc. to EN ISO 4064-1 (OIML R 49)

0,04 to 10 m/s 

 DN15 - DN1200

pulse/frequency and current outputs


230V AC / 24V DC 


FN30xx-Catalog sheet    FLONET FN0xx - www
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SMARTSONIC - new generation of multi-beam ultrasonic flowmeters

Modular, one to eight beam ultrasonic liquid flow meters

with a measuring range of R > 1000                                                 

Obrázek2.png Obrázek1.png


General info.pdf            Poduct sheet.pdf          Technical report.pdf


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Our company ELIS PLZEŇ a.s. has more than 33 years of history and experience, mainly in the water management, energy and now also in the chemical industry.
We are among the leading European companies that develop and manufacture ultrasonic and induction liquid flow meters and ultrasonic water meters. Based on our own induction and ultrasonic flowmeters, we also supply systems for measuring heat and cold.
We can also supply the sensors themselves to manufacturers of induction flow meters.
We export certified and high-quality products to more than 50 countries around the world. Among our customers, we are known not only for the high quality of production, but also for our readiness to solve their technical requirements and needs.
In addition to liquid flowmeters and their accessories, we also offer calibration services in our authorized metrology center K39,
equipped with three test devices for calibration and verification of liquid flow meters. The center also includes a laboratory for verification and calibration of calorimetric counters for water and steam.

We will be pleased to present our products to you.  

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ELIS foto1
ELIS foto2

Why to choose us?

  • We own the whole process from the developent to manufacturing and delivery

  • Flexible solutions to customer needs thanks to qualified engineering, manufacturing and testing teams

  • 30 years in-house R&D

  • Customization of the product

  • We provide product 's design services that fit to an application 

Calibration services

  • Testing and calibration services of the liquid's flow meters 
  • Calibration of calorimetric counters for measuring heat/cold in water and for measuring in steam
  • All flow meters are tested by drinking water
  • Testing laboratories can calibrate and verify various types of liquid flowmeters (mechanical, inductive, ultrasonic, vortex, etc.), which can be pluged into the test rigs (electrically and hydraulically).
  • The test room space gives us a possibility to install the hydraulic arc, it means to test any configuration virtually.     
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