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Data sheets, Manuals, Ordering/Specification tables

Name     Date of publishing
                                                    Electromagnetic flow meters  
FLONET FN20xx.1 data sheet Es90281K_d.pdf 19.9.2020
manual Es90420K_c.pdf 3.6.2024
specification table Es90155F R55.xlsx 18.7.2024
FLONET FH30xx data sheet Es90669K_MID.pdf 05.2.2021
manual Es90678K_c.pdf 3.6.2024
specification table Es90154F R34.xlsx 27.2.2024 
FLONET FN50xx.2 data sheet Es90756K.pdf 31.8.2023
manual Es90754K_a.pdf 3.6.2024
specification table Es90157F R10.xlsx 18.7.2024
data sheet Es90366K_b.pdf 27.2.2024
data sheet Es90282K_b.pdf  27.2.2024
data sheet Es90670K.pdf 27.2.2024
manual Es90675K_a.pdf  3.6.2024
specification table Es90158F R10.xlsx  27.2.2024 
data sheet Es90727K.pdf 27.2.2024
manual Es90736K_a.pdf 3.6.2024 

specification table

Es90163F R38.xlsx  3.6.2024
                                         Ultrasonic flow meters - mains powered  
SONOELIS SE404x, SE406x  data sheet Es90279K_d.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90201K_e.pdf  12.4.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 18.7.2024
SONOELIS SE401x, SE402x  data sheet Es90332K_c.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90337K_h.pdf 6.8.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 18.7.2024
SONOELIS SE404x.1, SE406x.1  data sheet Es90648K.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90740K_a.pdf 6.8.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 3.6.2024
SONOELIS SE401x.1, SE402x.1   data sheet Es90650K.pdf 3.6.2024
manual M_Es90700K_a.pdf 6.8.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 12.4.2024
SONOELIS SE401x.xRP, SE402x.xRP  data sheet Es90692K.pdf 3.6.2024
SONOELIS SE804x.x, SE806x.x  data sheet Es90280K_b.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90711K.pdf  12.4.2024
data sheet Es90648K.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90629K_a.pdf  12.4.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 18.7.2024
data sheet Es90650K.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90630K_a.pdf  12.4.2024
specification table Es90162F R26.xlsx 18.7.2024
SONOELIS SE4015.xT  data sheet Es90413K_a.pdf 3.6.2024
                                        Ultrasonic flow meters - battery powered  
FLOMIC FL503x, FL505x  data sheet Es90404K_d.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90414K_g.pdf 12.4.2024
specification table Es90159F R8.xlsx 12.4.2024
FLOMIC FL3005  data sheet Es90321K_b.pdf 19.9.2020
manual Es90398K_d.pdf 12.4.2024
FLOMIC FL3085  data sheet Es90330K_b.pdf 3.6.2024
manual Es90335K_ch.pdf 12.4.2024
specification table Es90160F R3.xlsx 12.4.2024
FLOMIC FL5034F   data sheet Es90758K.pdf 2.8.2024
specification table Es90161F R2.xlsx 3.6.2024
                                                       Heat and cold meters  
ELISTHERM ET3010.0 data sheet Es90652K.pdf 3.6.2024
ELISTHERM ET3020.x3  data sheet Es90654K.pdf 3.6.2024
ELISTHERM ET3020.x7  data sheet Es90656K.pdf 3.6.2024
                       TOKYO KEIKI ultrasonic clamp-on flow meters and radar level meters  
                                       SOUNDWATER ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter ORCAS  
ORCAS CLAMP-ON FLOW METER data sheet ENG 5.7.2021


Name Language Date of publishing
Presentation of test rigs and services ENG 19.9.2020
Product portfolio overview (for printing) ENG 19.9.2020
Product portfolio overview (e-mail) ENG 19.9.2020

Terms and Conditions

Name Language Date of publishing

Terms and conditions of company (TCC) ELIS PLZEŇ a. s.

ENG 19.9.2020

Complaints Procedure

Name Language Date of publishing
Complaints Procedure ELIS PLZEŇ a. s. ENG 19.9.2020

Company – Certificates

Name Language Date of publishing
Certificate of exceptionality EN 19.9.2020
Certificate of quality system in welding CSN EN ISO 3834-3 EN 29.4.2021
Certificate of quality system ISO 9001:2015 EN 27.6.2024
Certificate of quality system for production, final product inspection and testing according to module D of Directive 2014/32/EU MID EN 19.9.2020
Certificate on metrological, technical and personal competence to verification of legally controlled measuring instruments 2020-2025 AMS  EN 19.9.2020

Certificate on the assessment of the quality system (Module H) issued according  to point 11 of Annex  III of Directive 2014/68/EU of the European Parlament and the Council implemented by Act No.90/2016 Sb. As amended, and Government Decree No. 219/2016

EN 19.9.2020

Quality assurance notice for equipment in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 2014/34/EU. ATEX Module D of Directive

EN 29.4.2021

IECEx Quality Assessment Report Summary

EN 29.4.2021

Products – Certificates

Name Language Date of publishing

EU type examination certificate - The ultrasonic water meter type FLOMIC FL5024 and FL5044 (MID MI-001 module B)

EN 19.9.2020

EU type examination certificate - The ultrasonic flow meter for heat meter type SONOELIS SE4011 and SE4041 (MID MI-004 module B)

EN 19.9.2020

EU type examination certificate - The electromagnetic water meter type FLONET FH301x and FLONEX FXx11x (MID MI-001 module B)

Es90103L 19.9.2020

EU type examination certificate - The electromagnetic water meter type FLONET FH301x and FLONEX FXx11x (MID MI-001 module B)_rev1

Es90103L_rev_1 13.6.2024

IECEx Certificate of Conformity - Electromagnetic flowmeter type FLONEX FXx11x (IECEx)

 EN 19.9.2020

IECEx Certificate of Conformity - Electromagnetic sensor type IS X.1XXEx (IECEx)

 EN 19.9.2020

IECEx Certificate of Conformity - Electromagnetic sensor with terminal box Ex type IS X.1XXEx (IECEx)

 EN 19.9.2020

EU type examination Certificate - The inductive flow meter type FLONEX FXx11x (ATEX module B)

EN 19.9.2020

EU type examination Certificate - The inductive sensor type IS x1.xxEx (ATEX module B)

EN 19.9.2020

EU type examination Certificate - The inductive sensor type IS x1.xxEx with terminal plate Ex (ATEX module B)

EN 19.9.2020

Back to listEs90150L_Certifikát_ISO_9001_ENG.pdf