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FLONET FH30xx electromagnetic flow meter with communication RS485/MODBUS RTU

The new product linFLONET FH30xx.v1.jpge of electromagnetic flow meters has a completely new transmitter design.

It is characterized by a wide measuring range R = 400 and newly it stands out with the possibility to communicate with the superior system using the RS485/MODBUS RTU protocol. The flow meter is equipped with the capability of archiving data and their subsequent screen displaying or reading into a laptop. In the development of this new type of flow meter we have taken into account a number of customer requirements.
This new type is fully usable for measuring the flow of electrically conductive liquids in waterworks, heating plants and the chemical or food industry. At present, the flow meter is certified by EU type examination certificate MID MI-001 module B.


 More information you can find here.

